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Contact Us

Victoria (head office)

Address: 282 Neerim Rd, Carnegie VIC 3163

Please note: Our offices are not always manned. Please call prior to visiting our team.

Tel: 1300 023 222
General Email: enquiries@cfcc.org.au
Media Enquiries: marketing@cfcc.org.au
Fax: (03) 9686 3437

Email Phone 

New South Wales (state office)

Address: 8 Paramatta Square, 49th Floor, Paramatta NSW 2150

Please note: Our offices are not always manned. Please call prior to visiting our team.

Tel: 1300 023 222
General Email: enquiries@cfcc.org.au
Media Enquiries: marketing@cfcc.org.au

Email Phone 

Provide feedback

CF Community Care aim to provide services that are relevant and accessible and your feedback will help us improve. So please let us know if you have been satisfied with a service, if you would like to make a suggestion, or if you have any feedback.

We take your feedback and complaints seriously. Making a complaint will not affect any service you receive from us, and information about your feedback will only be shared with the staff who are involved in the formal response.

Ways you can give us feedback

There are several ways you can provide us with feedback including:

  • By email to enquiries@cfcc.org.au
  • By telephone: 1300 023 222 between 9.00am–5.00pm. Monday–Friday
  • By mail addressed to the CEO, Cystic Fibrosis Community Care, 282 Neerim Rd, Carnegie VIC 3163
  • By appointment at our offices in Carnegie, Victoria or Paramatta, NSW
What happens when you make a complaint
  • Upon receipt of a complaint the CF Community Care staff member will attempt to resolve your complaint immediately if possible.
  • If the CF Community Care staff member is unable to resolve your complaint, it will then be referred to the CEO. The CEO will discuss with you a timeframe for investigation and resolution (usually within 10 working days where possible). Once the investigation has been completed, the CEO will provide a written response to you, explaining what kinds of actions have been taken.
  • If you are not happy with the response, you can request the complaint be considered by the Board of CF Community Care. A written response will be provided by the Board.
What if you need help to make a complaint?

If you need help to make a complaint you can:
